Many Mansions: A Commitment to Racial Justice and Equity

Many Mansions: A Commitment to Racial Justice and Equity

Many Mansions was founded 40 years ago on a set of core values—values which continue to guide our decisions and actions today. These values include respect, integrity, compassion, and a commitment to racial and equitable justice.

We envision a world where everyone can reach their potential through stable and enriching affordable housing. This is why we have dedicated ourselves to creating communities where our residents can live and thrive, regardless of their circumstances.

We recognize that this country still has long way to go. We acknowledge that racism and discrimination are very real and remain a barrier for many in our community, especially those who are people of color.

Peaceful protests throughout our country, including those here in Ventura County, testify to a collective desire to change this status quo–to broaden and promote opportunity and equity for all segments of our society, especially those who have been and are victims of institutionalized and historic racism.

We stand with those who desire this change. We are resolved to work even harder to develop affordable communities—communities which are open, which are just, and which are free of violence; communities which give hope, which give opportunity, and which give dignity. We are resolved to work even harder to advocate for these changes—to push governments and institutions to take all necessary and appropriate action to dismantle and remove these barriers and injustices.

We will listen and we will learn. We will not be silent.

– Rick Schroeder, President of Many Mansions