Bowl Painting Parties

Hosting a bowl painting party is a great way to contribute to the Bowls of Hope event!

How long do bowl painting parties last?  
We suggest allowing two hours for bowl painting parties. Depending on the organization hosting the  party, time frames may vary.

Where do the bowl painting parties take place?
Many Mansions will make every attempt to schedule the bowl painting at the location of your choice. If the party is hosted at your organization, a Many Mansions staff member will bring the necessary bowl painting materials to your facility, including the bowls (ranging in shape and size), paints, stencils, brushes and samples. The staff member will walk the group through the painting process and be available to help or answer any questions. We do ask the facility to provide enough tables and chairs to accommodate all participants.

Can I provide refreshments for my employees/guests?
Many organizations have beverages or snacks available  during this activity. Some have even hosted wine and cheese parties in the evenings to go along with the bowl painting. It is up to you to decide how to incorporate this activity to best fit your purpose.

What is the cost of the bowl painting? 
There is a $20.00 fee per bowl to help cover the expenses for supplies and the glazing/firing process. These painting fees are considered tax-deductible, as you will be donating your painted bowls to the Bowls of Hope Project.

What happens with the finished bowls?  
After all the bowls have been painted, we take them to be glazed and fired by Fish Ceramics. The finished bowls are stored by Many Mansions and will be displayed at the Bowls of Hope Event. At the event, every guest is invited to select a bowl to take home.

How do I schedule a party?  
In order to set up a bowl painting party, all you need to do is set a date, time and location. Once that information is confirmed, we are happy to assist you with planning the party. If you are interested, we have Many Mansions staff available to visit your business prior to the bowl painting party to give a brief presentation about how our organization operates and to discuss why community involvement is so important!

Contact Samantha Inerfeld at or (805) 496-4948 ext 218 to set up a bowl painting party or learn more.