Central Terrace


Property Location

The Central Terrace Apartments are being developed on an underutilized, and often-blighted property in Downtown. With a pocket park and several infrastructure and transit enhancements this transformative community development is helping revitalize Downtown Oxnard!

Location: Oxnard, CA

Property Information

Housing Type: Low-income individuals with a portion of the units being set aside for homeless households.

Units: 87 (86 affordable homes + 1 Unrestricted Manager’s Unit)

Unit Mix: 86 one-bedrooms + 1 two-bedroom (Manager’s Unit)

Funding Sources: Conventional Construction & Permanent Loans, 4% Tax Credits + Tax Exempt Bond, Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities (AHSC), City of Oxnard In-Lieu Fee Funds, Oxnard Housing Authority – Project Based Section 8 Vouchers, AHP

Community Amenities:

  • Community room
  • On-site Laundry
  • Service’s Office
  • Manager’s Office
  • BBQ Area
  • Central Courtyard
  • Long Term Bike Storage
  • GreenPoint GOLD

Adding Value to Downtown Oxnard

Adding value to the community, Many Mansions will develop a pocket park – the only developed open space in the neighborhood – as well as one mile of Class II bike lanes, contributing to a walkable, sustainable, and healthier community overall.

Additional AHSC funding for improvements to the 4 ʰ Street corridor (from C St to the Oxnard Transit Center, and along Meta Street to 6 ʰ Street), was secured in collaboration with the City of Oxnard. Improvements include drainage and accessibility, resurfacing and curb extensions. Improvements to the 4 ʰ and B Street transit hub, one of the City’s busiest stops, include new restroom facilities, safer curb design, new lighting, signage, and bike racks. Furthermore, grant proceeds will pay for improvements to 52 bus stops within Downtown, including new shelters, bike racks and signage.

In collaboration with Ventura County Transportation Commission and California Vanpool Authority, AHSC grant funds were secured to acquire 42 electric, 15-passenger vans. These will used for CalVans’ vanpool and farmworker programs throughout Ventura County.