Meet the Current Members
Real Estate agents are dedicated to making dreams of home ownership come true.
Members of the Many Mansions real Estate Alliance (REA) support stable,
dignified housing and life-changing programs for the most vulnerable in our community.
Become a member by donating $200 to Many Mansions at the close of each escrow.
• Your generosity will be recognized on our website and social media platforms.
• We will support your marketing and client relations by sending you an REA logo,
a rider sign, and client certificates for your use and by providing networking opportunities.
• Your calendar year donations will accumulate toward a Bowls of Hope sponsorship,
providing you with additional exposure and publicity. Reach thousand countywide!
Most importantly, you will distinguish yourself by showing
you care about housing for those in need.
Need additional information?
Contact Judith Botsai, Major Gifts Officer at (805) 496-4948 ext. 226