Author: MMIT
March 2021
A Heartfelt Letter of Appreciation
“I am honored to be a ripple of hope” – William Garcia
I was reminiscing today on my journey through college and where I am now. I could not help but think of all the people that believed in me and helped me along the way. Vicky’s Scholarship Fund is such a blessing and means the world to me. Many Mansions provided many resources and opportunities to families and children. I am honored to have been a recipient of this Scholarship for all of my years in college. I remember going to college my first year with three suitcases full of clothes, a sleeping bag and a lot of hope! I worked every summer and saved every penny of it in order to be able to pay for housing and bills but somehow always managed to run out of money by the time I needed to pay for books (which are very overpriced!). The funds I received from this scholarship paid for all the books and resources I needed every year.
I graduated CSU, Chico with a major in Finance in 2018. I was able to join a wonderful finance company in Texas straight out of college as an Underwriter. I love my job as I am able to be a part of a great group that helps businesses grow and be able to not worry about how their next payroll will be covered. I have been working here for 3 years now and am so grateful.
I lived in Shadow Hills until I was 18 (lived there for all 18). Many Mansions helped shape my life for all of those years. I was able to live happily with my family in a safe environment. I attended summer camp every year, I volunteered at the camp for a few years, and I also joined every opportunity they had to give back to the community.
I am honored to be a “ripple of hope” and hope to create more ripples.
Thank you to the Vicky’s fund committee especially Marty, and your family that have created this wonderful legacy.
Stoll House: From Transitional Housing to Permanent Housing (non-supportive)
Stoll House Apartments has played a unique and transformative role in Many Mansions’ history.
Stoll House is our third developed property and our third smallest property. Its 11 units consists of 3 one-bedroom, 7 two-bedroom, and 1 four-bedroom units, located just off Hampshire Road in Thousand Oaks. It opened on January 20, 1998.
While this property has been relatively quiet over the past few years, this was certainly not the case for most of its history. Indeed, for many years this single property dominated the organization’s attention: its attention for services, property management, applicant processing, finances, fundraising, resident relations, and community relations.
Indeed, Stoll House very much represented ‘the heart of Many Mansions.’ For much of the community, staff, and Board Stoll House was Many Mansions.
Stoll House’s outsized importance derived from it being operated (1998-2014) as a transitional housing facility for homeless families. In 2015 it was re-designated as permanent (affordable) housing.
While Schillo Gardens was Many Mansions’ first new construction project, Stoll House was Many Mansions’ first new construction project that was developed by Many Mansions staff (not Board) members.
The community greatly supported this development. The property was originally named ‘Community House Apartments.’ In the mid-1990s the City of Thousand Oaks Housing identified in its Housing Element ‘housing for homeless families’ as one of its top priorities. We took up this challenge and purchased the land and the architectural plans already in place for the construction of an 11-unit apartment complex. The City and the County of Ventura were two of the project’s early financial supporters. Later funding came from the State (HOME funds) and tax credits (Edison was our first investor).
There was a wonderful groundbreaking and grand opening. More importantly, many individuals and community groups and organizations (e.g., churches, synagogues, services clubs, individuals, etc.) contributed to furnishing the units with furniture, appliances, clothing, food, etc. Because of Otto Stoll’s on-going and substantial contribution to Many Mansions as a community leader and Board member, the Board re-named the property ‘Stoll House.’
Over the next 16 years (1998-2014) we operated this property as a transitional housing facility and assisted hundreds of residents —residents transitioning from homelessness to housing, instability to stability, unemployment to employment, failure to success.
Our case management program was intense. Program participation was a condition of the residents’ housing. Our on-site case managers worked individually and in groups with all the Stoll House residents. The residents worked on life-skills, job development, education, computer skills, other areas for improvement. Sometimes a portion of their rent would go to a separate savings program for future housing. The overriding goal was for the resident to transition to permanent housing (at first, to permanent housing outside of Many Mansions). We prohibited alcohol and set a curfew. There were no overnight guests.
We have had Board members and staff members come from Stoll House.
Unfortunately, there were many challenges and problems with Stoll House as a transitional housing facility.
First, the property lost money each year—money which had to be funded by Many Mansions. The cost of operations and programs were quite high, while the property’s revenue was quite low. We relied upon substantial government grants (e.g., FESG, ESG, CDBG, CoC, etc.), donations, and private grants, but even these were not enough.
Second, the constant turnover put a strain upon our Property Management staff. Since a resident could only live at Stoll House for 1-2 years, we had to constantly re-fill the units. Finding qualified applicants who wanted to live in a structured and confined housing environment was a challenge. We frequently had high vacancies–imposing more strain upon the finances.
Third, the nature of the residents changed. Our early Stoll House residents were mostly single mothers with children who had been housed, suffered some traumatic event (sudden divorce, spousal abuse, etc.), found themselves and their children unhoused, and just needed temporary housing (and some time) to ‘get themselves back on their feet.’
Over time, though, we began to house residents who were chronically homeless, had drug and substance abuse issues, came from incarceration, needed greater assistance than we could provide, and were often resistant to participating in our programs. Drug usage (and dealing) became a problem.
Additionally, transferring to permanent affordable housing became a difficult goal to achieve. Housing, including Many Mansions housing, was scarce. As a result, several of our Stoll House residents left Stoll House without securing permanent housing and slipped back into homelessness.
Beginning in 2012 the federal and state government stopped funding transitional housing programs. Embracing the ‘Housing First’ model, the governmental agencies believed that transitional housing was ‘too expensive’ and ‘unnecessary’ since homeless persons should just be placed into permanent supportive housing (why have the ‘transitional’ step?).
Because state and federal grants represented over 50% of Stoll House’s revenue, we asked for and received permission to convert Stoll House from transitional housing to permanent housing (non-supportive).
Stoll House remains a very special property for Many Mansions and the countless hundreds of lives which it has assisted.
Share Your Stimulus Check
Your Stimulus Check – GIVE to Those in Need!
The lives of Luis and his father, George, a disabled veteran, turned around when they moved to Many Mansions. They now have a stable place to call home which makes it possible for George to get to the dialysis clinic for his scheduled appointments with certainty.
Alarmingly, Luis’s car broke down recently. Skipping a dialysis appointment can be life threatening. So, Luis turned to Many Mansions for assistance. Many Mansions immediately provided a grant from our Resident Emergency Need Fund. Luis was able to take his father to the dialysis clinic in a timely manner.
The Resident Emergency Need Fund helps residents when they need immediate financial assistance. It is used for a range of unexpected difficulties including car repair, groceries, gas to get to work, and even diapers. A resident can receive assistance once a year for a maximum of $500.
Donate all, or part, of your stimulus check to help families who are living on the edge and an unexpected expense will put them over. Know you have invested your check in the most meaningful way, helping a neighbor in difficult circumstances.
PLEDGE to the Resident Emergency Need Fund
DONATE to the Resident Emergency Need Fund
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Message
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Message
By Rick Schroeder, President
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. played a significant role in removing barriers to housing which existed for too many of our fellow citizens. In 1965 Dr. King began the ‘Chicago Freedom Movement’, a campaign which sought to challenge discrimination in employment, education, and housing in the city of Chicago. Attacking such discrimination was a natural outgrowth of his work in civil and voting rights in the South since such racial discrimination, including discrimination in housing, existed throughout the United States, even in the North. In a speech in Chicago on March 12, 1966, Dr. King spoke of the deplorable living conditions forced upon so many because of prejudice, segregation, racial covenants, redlining, and other discriminatory practices.
Although Dr. King’s life was tragically cut short just two years later, his death immediately led to the adoption of the Fair Housing Act of 1968—a law which prohibits discrimination in housing based on one’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status and ensures that all Americans have access to equal housing opportunities.
As we honor Dr. King’s birthday and legacy in 2021, we know that we still have a long way to go before all Americans have access to equal housing opportunities. Recent events have demonstrated that many areas of our life, including education, employment, income, and housing, are neither equal nor accessible to all.
At Many Mansions we play an important role in bringing Dr. King’s vision to those in our community most in need of housing and those who have been denied its equal access. We continue to envision a world where everyone, if given the opportunity, can reach their potential through stable, affordable, and enriching housing. We remain dedicated to developing affordable housing communities which are just, which are open, which give dignity, which give opportunity, and which give hope.
Dr. King ended his Chicago speech by asking that we engage in a sort of ‘Divine Dissatisfaction’ until “the American Dream is a Reality.” That we remain ‘dissatisfied’ until there is no more oppression and segregation in our lives, including housing. He warns that, “the road ahead will not always be smooth,” and that “our dreams will sometimes be shattered and our ethereal hopes blasted.” But as difficult and painful as it may be, “We must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future.”
On this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration let us honor this great man and dedicate ourselves to his vision.
Many Mansions gets $50K boost
Thousand Oaks-based Many Mansions has been declared a Neighborhood Champion by Bank of America, an honor that brings with it a $50,000 prize.
The Neighborhood Champions program is an extension of the bank’s philanthropic initiative, Neighborhood Builders, a corporate investment program in nonprofit leadership.
Many Mansions was selected for its work providing affordable housing and on-site supportive services to help low-income families achieve financial stability. As part of the program, it will receive a $50,000 grant support and virtual leadership training by nonprofit sector experts on topics such as human capital management, financial sustainability and storytelling.
Ventura County’s homeless population rose for the third year in a row in 2020, a 4.4% increase from 2019. In response to the growing need for affordable housing in the region, Many Mansions plans to add 600 units to its building pipeline, expand into new communities and build new residences for veterans, seniors and the chronically homeless with children.
Article originally appeared in the Thousand Oaks Acorn.
Ventura TV 2020
Learn more about US during this pandemic, how we deal with the application process, our on-site programs, and much more. Rick Schroeder, President speaks with Sandra Siepak, Ventura TV.
Video originally appeared at Our Ventura TV
Zareh Marselian

Board Member
Zareh is currently the Director of IT, Chief Information Officer at Cal Lutheran University. He received his BA Economics at UC San Diego, BS in Computer Information Systems at Coleman University and an MBA at Cal Lutheran University. Zareh brings a world of business and information technology (IT) experience to Many Mansions. Zareh will play a leading role as our organization transitions its technology to meet the needs of the changing world. His commitment to this cause will have a direct and lasting impact on our residents’ lives.
Latest Many Mansions vision is focused on unhoused seniors
A PLACE TO STAY—If approved for state funding, Rancho Sierra Apartments would provide 49 units of housing and behavioral health services for extremely low-income seniors who have a mental health diagnosis, are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.
After suffering multiple setbacks in recent years to provide more below-market-rate housing in Thousand Oaks, nonprofit builder Many Mansions is looking west. If approved for state funding, the proposed Rancho Sierra Apartments in unincorporated Ventura County south of Camarillo would provide 49 units of housing and behavioral health services for extremely low-income seniors 62 and older who have a mental health diagnosis, are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.The apartments would be available to people throughout the county.
Derrick Wada, associate director of real estate development for Many Mansions, one of the groups heading the project, said it was conceptually approved by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors in June and is in the land entitlement process.
It is expected to return to the board in December for final approval.
Susan White Wood, housing manager for Ventura County Behavioral Health, said housing projects that target populations susceptible to homelessness are especially important now, when the county’s housing vacancy rate is less than 3.5%.
At least 1,740 people are living without a home in Ventura County, according to the county’s latest count, though officials suspect the actual number is much higher.
In addition to the lack of available housing, White Wood said, the rent in Ventura County, which averages $2,037 per month, is more than most people can afford.
The 2-acre project site is a parcel of land just outside Camarillo city limits which neighbors Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, Rain Communities homeless shelter and Casa de Esperanza counseling center, organizations with initiatives similar to those of the proposed project.
“We feel that this project fits well within that community and provides a greater adhesive to bring all those different organizations together,” White Wood said.
According to project leaders, residents of the proposed development would have access to support services from the county’s behavioral health department, including health screenings, transportation assistance, peer counseling and community-building events.
At the project’s helm are the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura and Many Mansions.
Organizers expect nearly half the units—24—to be paid for with funding from No Place Like Home, a statewide voter-approved initiative meant to put $2 billion in bond proceeds toward supportive housing for the unhoused in need of mental health services.
Other funds will come from conventional construction and permanent loans and additional state funding sources, said Juliana Gallardo, a property manager for Many Mansions.
Project leaders expect to bring the No Place Like Home funding application before the Board of Supervisors in December.
If the application is approved and the project is awarded the expected funds, it could break ground in March 2022 and complete construction by July 2023, according to the project timeline.
Many Mansions will be responsible for property management.
Questions/comments can be emailed to
Article originally appeared in the Thousand Oaks Acorn by Brooke Stanley