Internship Information

 Our summer 2016 childrens service intern, margaret harrison

Our  Summer 2016 Resource Development Intern, Margaret Harrison


We have opportunities available for hard-working students who want to gain experience working in a nonprofit organization. Many of our departments enjoy working with interns:

Resource Development – Assist with a wide range of fundraising efforts, events, grant writing, research, public and donor relations, volunteer programs and more.

Children Services – Assist Children’s Program staff in planning and operating Homework Tutoring Club, Summer Camp, and other programs!

Adult Services – Assist Case Management staff with counseling, planning and facilitating workshops and events, and more.

Our summer 2016 business development intern, Nicole Menges
Our Summer 2016 Resource Development Intern, Nicole Menges

Please contact Hannah Blistein at to learn more about internship opportunities at Many Mansions!