Property Location
Location: Unincorporated Ventura County just outside the City of Camarillo.
Property Information
Housing Type: Very low- and extremely low-income seniors, chronically homeless seniors
Apartments: 50 units
- Phase 1: 50 units
- 49 one-bedrooms + 1 two-bedroom (Manager’s Unit)
Joint Venture Partners: Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura
Funding Sources:
- Conventional construction and permanent loans
- Project Based Section 8 vouchers
- 4% Tax Credits + tax exempt bond
- HCD No Place Like Home Funding
- HCD Multifamily Housing Program
- HCD Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities
Community Amenities:
- Manager/Services Offices
- Case Management
- On-Site Laundry
- Picnic/BBQ
- Community Room
- Photovoltaic System
- Green Point Rated
- Community Gardens
First Multifamily Volumetric Modular Development in Ventura County; will save 6+ months during construction.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please email us at
Information line for Rancho Sierra is 805-413-8322